2nd Aspect of the 3-Fold End Time Project
The entire world is now even over-ripe for a great harvest of souls and a mighty revival in Christians and the Christian faith, hence the Lord has decided to bring same to pass.
Hitherto, darkness of every sort has filled the whole world, even much more than was observed by apostle John in about 90 AD when he wrote his epistle (1 John 5:19). There is incredible religious darkness in the form of development of false religious beliefs and practices, as well as adherence to erroneous dogmas and practices by millions who profess Christianity (1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1-2). There is also darkness everywhere in the form of outright occultism, spiritism or Satanism as men seek power and protection outside of the Holy Spirit of God (1 Timothy 4:1). There is the darkness of atheism. What about the darkness of pleasure-seeking and materialism that have filled the minds of billions of people all over the world? (2 Timothy 3:1,4).
Besides, there is the darkness of ridiculing the absolute truth of God’s word and calling it pluralism; of worshipping of other gods and calling it multi-culturalism; endorsing perversion and calling it the life of the unreligious or an alternative lifestyle; of murdering unborn babies and labelling it legitimate. In fact, the volume of darkness that has covered this present world is too large to be piece-mealed here.
It is this very situation that has made our present world very ripe for the hand of the Lord to descend on it, seeing that He often allows the climax of men and devils, so that He may prove Himself incomparable in His power, wisdom, strategy, sovereignty, etc., when He comes to deal with all their works to deliver His elect. Did He not allow Satan to do his worst against Eve before He came down to shame him by establishing a means of reclaiming mankind through the woman that Satan had deceived? (consider Genesis 3:1-19). Was not the world of Noah mad with self-will and sin, reaching the apex of their offences before He showed Himself stronger than they? (Genesis 6:1-3, 5-7; 9:10-12, 17-23). Did not Abraham and Sarah outlive their age of fruitfulness before He put the situation to nought by giving them Isaac? (Genesis 21:1-5). Did He not allow Satan to do his worst against Joseph before He shamed him completely by making Joseph ruler in Egypt and succorer of his brethren? How about allowing Nebuchadnezzar to reach the height of his pride and arrogance before He sent him into the bush to eat grass like oxen? (Daniel 4:28-33). Didn’t his son or grandson (Belshazzar) reach the height of abomination before He killed him? (Daniel 5:1-9, 17-31). What about the fact that the children of Israel were allowed to emigrate to and remain in Egypt for over 400 years till they had reached the height of slavery and till all hope was lost before he struck, and at such a time as was recorded? How many years of darkness passed between the prophets Malachi and John the Baptist, when the light shone again?
Indeed the world has made itself very ripe for the Almightiness of the Lord to appear. They have reached the stage that the Lord takes delight in dealing with decisively. So He has decided to deal with it. He has decided to shake the world such that, the mighty, the feeble, the rich, the poor, the learned, the unlearned, the old and the young will melt under the fire of conviction of His Spirit and His children among them return to Him. He has decided to judge and shame the gods of false religion, violence, multi-culturalism, perversion, blood-letting, atheism, occultism, etc, as He shakes their foundations to let off His children whom they have trapped hitherto (compare Exodus 12:12).
There is surely a sound of a great harvest and revival of souls ahead, one greater than all the previous ones put together. People of all calibre will throng the places of truth to worship and serve Him. The power of the Spirit of God will sweep over the nooks and crannies of this world once more to cause multitudes to embrace the truth and to revive the church and consolidate the Christian faith. What is about to happen has been illustrated with the abundance of rain of prophet Elijah (1 Kings 18:41-45).